Please give us Your Feedback to help let us know what you would like to see from our Sound Design Department this year -- and Get Instant Lifetime Access to Ableton-Certified Chris Petti's Serum Masterclass!
Click the button below to start.
Question 1 of 6
How would you rate your knowledge and confidence in Sound Design on a scale from 1 - 5. 1 = not confident, 5 = very confident.
1 - Not Confident
2 - I know just a little
3 - I am decent but could know more
4 - I have been doing Sound Design for a while and am passionate about it
5 - I am kind of an expert
Question 2 of 6
How important is Sound Design to you?
1 - Not Really Important
2 - Important but I never seem to get around to focussing on it.
3 - I am interested, but don't really know where to start
4 - It's important to me and I am actively involved in learning more all the time.
5 - It is one of the most important parts of music production for me.
Question 3 of 6
How long do you like your Youtube videos typically?
Short 1 minute tips for a single idea.
3-5 minute videos
10 -20 minute videos
One hour masterclasses
Don't care as long as it keeps my attention and is helpful
Question 4 of 6
What kind of Sound Design Courses would you like to see from us this coming year?
A short basic Foundations course with fundamental sound design concepts.
Intermediate Sound Design Courses based on specific synths.
Advanced Sound Design Courses.
All of the above.
Question 5 of 6
How much would you expect to pay for an 8 hour video Sound Design course with 8 hours of live (and recorded) Office Hours with Q and A and live feedback?
Question 6 of 6
Please add any other thoughts, requests or ideas that you think you would like to see in the next few months from our Sound Design Department: